
Working together, improving lives

March 2022

Bee's Blog: Career Revolution

Life is busy. There is always a list of things we should be doing. With lockdowns (hopefully) over and life as we know it restarting, it seems the list is growing. We were struggling to do housework, care for family, the school runs, the cooking, the washing, the shopping, the working, the dog walking. Now we can re-add socialising and events and holidays to the list.

It is wonderful, of course, but it is unfathomable to me how we managed before!

There has been a lot of talk in the press, especially with the working world being so noticeably very different all of a sudden, of the gig economy, of franchising, of flexible working hours, of 4 day weeks and universal basic income. All of these types of economic structures trying to find a balance in what is becoming an increasingly busy world.

Studies have shown that people are at their best when they are well rested, organised and can see their place, skills and worth. And many organisations, from governments down to hairdressers are trying their hands at making people healthier and happier and more productive. The results are varied, but as common sense dictates, there is no one answer when there are so many variables at play.

A great place to start though, in my opinion, is flexibility.

As you may know, from my earlier blogs, I had absolutely no idea how agency worked until I saw it first-hand. I had heard things, but every sector and company is different. I know now first-hand that the benefits of flexible working are absolutely undeniable. I love working. Absolutely love it. A job is not just a job, it is dignity. It is interesting, challenges me, gives me learning opportunities and of course, pays my bills. Working flexibly means that if I need to take a week off for a family holiday, I can. If I want to only work Mondays and Thursdays, that I can. I can finish by 1pm every day, if that’s how I want to structure my world. I have the power to organise my life and still earn what I need to.

It has benefits to my role, too. Working around my own, my clients and my candidate’s diaries may seem intimidating, but actually, it works really well. I can schedule things so that I am available during office hours, but can also call and talk to a candidate in the evening whilst I’m waiting for the dough for my dinner rolls to rise.

We have people who have been working with Dean Healthcare for years, reaping the benefits of flexible working. Before it became the “new way to work” they were been balancing life and career with skill and knowledge. That’s not to say they aren’t busy! We are always looking for more staff to join our teams!

With the spotlight thrown so keenly onto mental health, a sector which we support, and which I have plenty of personal experience, we have all started to look at our wellbeing and life balance a lot more closely. We know that there is no longer the old model of having one adult mostly at home, and that our globalisation and stagnant economic market (for those in the working classes) has taught us to think wider, and dream big on a budget, and we have all come to a collective realisation that there still aren’t enough hours in the day, and that everything has to be more flexible, not just our personal priorities.

To those who can afford to pick up some flexible work around their permanent role, or even if you are ready to make the full leap, agency work really does help you to claw back some time, to be in charge of your routine, and make the most out of a job you already love. I urge anyone curious to give it a go, you never know how good it can be!