
Working together, improving lives

July 2023

Dean Healthcare's ISO Audit - PASSED

Dean Healthcare recently underwent an ISO inspection, and we're proud to announce we passed with flying colours! Our Strategic Development Manager, Bee, has written today's blog about what is involved in an ISO inspection and how Dean Healthcare performed in our report.

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ISO stands for 'International Organisational Standard' and there are many different categories for which a business, like Dean Healthcare, can register. However the most enduringly popular and multi-industry focused is the ISO 9001:2015; A certificate that proves an organisation has a quality management system that demonstrates the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet the needs of customers as well as regulatory requirements.

Dean Healthcare has been recognised as a 9001:1015 compliant company for many years, but similar to other registered qualification standards like Ofsted and CQC (Care Quality Comission), this ISO category also requires re-inspections and checks. On June 29th, Bee Blomley, our Strategic Development Manager and Samuel Meechan, Dean Healthcare's Managing Director took part in a virtual inspection of our systems with an external auditor.

Although any company can work towards an ISO certification, being in the health and social care industry, with all its relevant regulations and expectations, the same nerves felt during any external inspection are very much there! Our processes, documentation and systems keep our clients and workers safe and compliant, and any lapse in these could have potentially serious effects on service users wellbeing and the business' reputation. At Dean Healthcare, everything we do is done with the best of intentions, and many years of experience, but even when you know it’s all working as it should, it can still be nerve wracking to have someone else dissect it!

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Thankfully we had a really knowledgeable auditor who walked us through the inspection. We are pleased as punch to announce that Dean Healthcare has been re-certified with no non-conformities or corrections required. We received our report this week and are glad to share some excerpts from it:

“The Organisation demonstrated an impressive level of evidence of monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation of the Management System and Organisational performance.”

“The Organisation demonstrated strong evidence of effective control over resolving and recording of nonconformities.”

“The Organisation demonstrated multiple examples of continuous improvement of its Management System in the past 12 months.”

We as a company have always tried to consistently improve, put quality ahead of quantity and work hard to provide the sector with the staffing and support they need, when they need it.

If you are a service or worker in the health and social care sector looking for an agency that has high standards and an expectation of excellence, call us today on 01173 250 282.