
Working together, improving lives

December 2022

Personal Stories: A Conversation With Our Permanent Recruitment Consultant, Jade

In this month’s Dean Healthcare blog we want to introduce you to our newest member of the team -Jade! Working in our Bristol branch, Jade is one of our incredible Recruitment Consultants whose job it is to help our agency staff find permanent roles that reflect their skillset and preferences. We sat down with Jade to ask her about the role, her highlights of working for a Healthcare Recruitment Agency, and how what she does benefits those around her.

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Hi Jade, firstly I want to know, how did you get into Healthcare?

So my Healthcare career actually started as a Domiciliary Carer. So I would go to service user’s homes and I’d provide care – anything from personal care to helping individuals with their daily routine and then helping them access the community as well. - I then moved on to working as a Healthcare Assistant on a specialist dementia unit and then a nursing unit after that as well. Now I’m here, working as a Permanent Recruitment Consultant for Dean Healthcare!

So your role involves 'Permanent Recruitment', can you explain what the term 'Perm' means to someone who might not know?

So ‘perm’ work is an abbreviated term for permanent contracted work. It would be similar to a person applying directly to a company for a role via job sites. One big difference is the support and guidance they’d receive from someone, such as myself.

And why should someone consider a permanent role at Dean Healthcare

There are lots of reasons someone should consider a permanent role. We’ll provide individuals with tailored support and guidance, you know, everything from assisting with a CV or the application and interviewing process, which ensures they’ll stand the best possible chance, firstly, at securing an interview and knowing exactly what it is they’re applying for and what the different requirements are for the role. We assist them in different ways so they can be best prepared, and when they get their job, we support them through the entire probation period.

Additional to this, a person would receive the same benefits as anyone else applying directly would, so even though they might come through me, they’d still receive a holiday allocation, pension and any other perks that come with the role as well.

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Sound great! Okay, so hypothetical, I'm look for a 'Perm' role at Dean Healthcare. How does your role help assist people?

So if it’s an application through an advertisement, that would come through to myself, I would review the CV as per the position you were looking for to make sure that everything aligns. I would then arrange a pre-screen call with yourself, communicating via phone call, text or email and at a time convenient to you. – This pre-screen is essentially an informal discussion with myself, where we could cover the role in a little bit more detail and generally find more out about you like your circumstances or what you’re looking for as well as your previous experience. – After the pre-screen, if everything goes well I would then submit you for shortlisting. You’d be contacted back with the full job description including any policies you should be aware of. Then you tell us if you’d like to accept!

There’s ‘Temp’ work too. Can you explain the differences between ‘temp’ and ‘perm’ work?

So temp work is essentially flexible shift work where you choose your own hours, which is great! As a Temp worker at Dean Healthcare you would be employed by us and you would be sent out to various services and locations, depending on your preferences, skillset or circumstances. With ‘Perm’ work, you’re contracted to a specific service or client and you would carry out full-time, part-time or fixed-term hours.

Now that you’ve worked with Dean Healthcare for a short amount of time, what do you think our unique selling point is?

We offer all areas of Health and Social care both on the temporary side, so flexible shift work and on the permanent side as well. We cover a wide range of services and setting across the South West to suit different needs, skillsets, preferences and locations too.

And lastly, what’s your favourite thing about your role as a Recruitment Consultant?

So I think the most enjoyable thing about being a Permanent Recruitment Consultant for me would be assisting people in developing their careers further within the Health and Social Care sector. It’s also not always about previous experience, it’s also assisting and guiding people who want to build their career within the sector as well and doing it because they care about others.

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We hope you’ve found our sit-down discussion with Jade to be both informative and insightful! If this conversation has been beneficial and you would like to consider a permanent role at Dean Healthcare, you can find out more about our available positions by contacting Jade directly on 07534 291 201.